Our favourite Dolphin – Artist Inspiration

DIY dolphin with mosaic tiles

DIY dolphin with mosaic tiles

The dolphin is the favourite motive of our customers everywhere.  This comes as no surprise as dolphin are perceived as intelligent, playful, friendly or even helpful to man and thus associate strongly positive impression. Countless are the stories of fishermen being guided towards land or ships through shallows by dolphins.

Today we know that dolphins belong to the few species who recognize themselves in mirrors and command a vocal language with at least 300 different expressions. The movement of dolphins and their bent shape in conjunction with a friendly looking rounded snout, their large eyes and their powerful moves jumping high above the ocean’s wave creates associations of lightness, freedom and mastery of the elements.

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Soft-Bits – Vision in Blue

Flower Pot made from broken mosaic tiles

Flower Pot made from broken mosaic tiles

Giving flowers always feels special, but even more special when encased in a classy flower pot.

It is the beautiful 2 hued faience-colors of these blue Soft-Bits tiles that let this flower pot radiate an almost ethereal glint.

Of course not everyone likes to break larger tiles wrapped in cloth with a hammer. Not only can splinters cause injury but also does such a harsh  treatment result in substantial material loss and surface abrasion of the bits that you actually can use for your mosaic.

Sharp edges are another inconvenience and cause for future splintering or cracking when exposed to freezing temperatures.

This is why Alea designed the Soft-Bits.

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